

Explorers: Space Edition is a stunning abstract photography Ebook comprised of my creative interpretation of space. So instead of leaving Earth atmosphere or pointing my camera to the sky to capture the beauty of space, I use the STUFF around me, a collection of random objects to recreate celestial events. This journey through space required me to look beyond seeing with just my eyes, so I could allow my imagination to be my guide. As you work your way through the ebook you will see a blend of ICM and composite photography techniques used to capture space imagery. My love and deep interest in space has brought this Ebook to life. Enjoy!!

Customers Reviews

  • Jelan

    Explorers is one of the most creative, visually pleasing E-books i’ve ever read. The stories are immersed in such honesty and brings be back childlike moments. Lance’s ability to create vivid images that reflect pictures NASA takes with million dollar equipment, with an unmatched level of imagination and a mirror less camera is breathtaking. This is definitely a masterpiece.